swipe of touchSlider plugin not working properly on mobile chrome

swipe of touchSlider plugin not working properly on mobile chrome

I am using touchSlider plugin

the slider swipes perfectly on ios, but VERY bad on devices supporting chrome. Yet it is working perfectly when I decrease the width of my desktop chrome browser! I have no idea why it's happening.

HTML of my slider:

  1. <div class="gallery-holder centered">
  2.      <div class="gallery" id="gallery2">
  3.      <div class="holder">
  4.      <div class="list">
  5.      <div class="item">
  6.           <div class="pro ibox">
  7.             first box
  8.           </div>
  9.           </div>
  10.           <div class="item">
  11.           <div class="pro ibox">
  12.             second box
  13.           </div>
  14.           </div>
  15.           <div class="item">
  16.           <div class="pro ibox">
  17.             third box
  18.           </div>
  19.           </div>
  20.           </br class="clear">
  21.      </div>
  22.      </div>
  23.      <div id="tabs2"></div>
  24.      </div>
  25.      </div>


  1. $('#gallery2').touchSlider({
  2.      mode: 'index',
  3.      center: true,
  4.      single: true,
  5.      onChange: function(prev, curr) {
  6.      $('#tabs2 a.tablink').removeClass('active');
  7.      $('#tabs2 a.tablink').filter(function(i){return i == curr}).addClass('active');
  8.      },
  9.      onStart: function() {
  10.      var count = $('#gallery2').get(0).getCount();
  11.      $('#tabs2').html('');
  12.      for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  13.      var el = $('<a href="#" class="tablink">'+(i+1)+'</a>');
  14.      el.attr('index', i);
  16.      $('#tabs2').append(el);
  18.      el.bind('click', function(){
  19.      $('#gallery2').get(0).moveTo($(this).attr('index'));
  20.      return false;
  21.      });
  22.      }
  23.      }
  24.      });

Here is a link to my website

So why is it not working on chrome?? Thanks