Swipe page navigation

Swipe page navigation

I am a newby to jquery mobile and I am trying to learn it by creating a simple app, using the documentation in the jquery mobile 1.4.5 demo page. Almost all the information is pretty straight forward, exept for the page swipe event. I don't understand how to apply this demo in my own app. What I have done, is the following:
- I've created a swipe-page.html with in the <head> tag all the links to the CSS files (jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css, jqm-demos.css, andf swipe-page.css) and the necessary scripts (jquery.js, index.js, jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js and swipe-page.js)
- Next I have created separate pages for the different examples (cities) that are also used in the demo page, again with all the necessary CSS en scripts within the <head> tag.
When I run it on my localhost I see the button to start the demo, and when I click it it goes to the first page (Nw York) but I do not see the the photo nor can I swipe to the next page.

Can anyone help me to understand and clarify for me the info in the jquery mobile demo page on this subject?