swipe to animate PNG sprite sequence

swipe to animate PNG sprite sequence

The problem I'm having is how to control the width of the area the user swipes (touch move) their iPad or other iOS device and the 'mousemove' on desktop to effectuate a PNG sequence animation. 

 At the moment the user has to swipe the entire width of their iPad to play the entire sequence of a sprite PNG.  NO one ever swipes the entire width and so they don't see the full left and right frames which is vital in this particular case..

I would like to decrease the width of the area they need to swipe to cycle through the entire animation I hope this question is clear. For the work in progress which should help please see the link below, and perhaps have a look at the source 'eelslap.js' code.. Yes I borrowed this code from a popular 'eelslap site' by Actnormal