Swipe to Navigate page limitation

Swipe to Navigate page limitation

Hunting around for a "native" jQuery Mobile widget to manage a photo gallery, I liked the "Swipe to Navigate" demo on the jQuery Mobile site and decided to give it a try:
After struggling a day or two, I finally got it all working, using the latest stable version of jQuery javascript and CSS (jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js and jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css), plus the javascript, HTML and CSS provided in the demo.  Everything was going fine until I got to my 19th page.  I.e., it was happy handling a gallery of 18 pages but balked when I added a page 19.  I've double checked all code and html.  No errors or typos.  But if I try to make a gallery of 19 pages it fails.  Does anyone know 1) if there's a limit to the number of pages this can handle or 2) a workaround to make it handle more than 18 pages?  I'm happy to provide more details if anyone knows about this issue.