tablesorter and postback

tablesorter and postback

I'm using and ASP gridview and jQuery tablesorter

On postback my sorting is lost and even if I do the .tablesorter() initialization again to the table it won't restart the sorting.  I did read someone else having this problem and they solved it with an ugly kludge on the client to add fake headers when the table reloads after a postback.  I was thinking perhaps on the server side my

gvMilestoneAlertsData.UseAccessibleHeader = true;   // for each table
gvMilestoneAlertsData.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;  //  for each row

I'm guessing I might redo them on the postback.    But I was wondering if there was something better.

Related or not, when I run the .tablesorter() I lose the gridlines in my table header but they are returned when the postback happens and the tablesorter no longer works.   So, how do I keep my gridlines in my tableheader in tablesorter?