Tablesorter Zebra widget not working on deleting a row

Tablesorter Zebra widget not working on deleting a row


Please go easy on this newbie :)

Im using Tablesorter 2.0.5 to sort & filter data that comes from a DNN Module. Ive also implemented some reset sort & reset filters which also works. Everything is working perfectly with 1 exception. When I delete a row (via the module), tablesorter disappears. (Header, table / field borders) A manual refresh & its back to normal with all features & formatting back.

Im told that the table is like a panel that updates when items are added or deleted but the page doesn't refresh. Ive tried using similar approach as the reset button .trigger('applyWidgets') both inside & outside tablesorter but that hasn't done anything. Im also told that this wont work as the delete link also has a "Are you sure" so that needs to be answered before anything else happens.

Spent a fair bit of time trying to get this going & would really appreciate an assistance on getting this going.

Thanks in advance.
