tabletools and tabs

tabletools and tabs

Hi All

i have an ajax loaded page on one of the tabs which has tabletools and also current page has tab content with tabletools both of the pages impoting datatbles and tabletools js and css, and tabletools buttons does not work on current page.

I have another page with ajax loaded content on one of the tab and does not have datatables/tabletools , then the current page tabletools buttons work on click.

I observed that when the ajax loaded page has datatables js and tabletools js referred then somehow the current page tabletools buttons wont work.

I used var ttInstances = TableTools.fnGetMasters(); for (i in ttInstances) { if (ttInstances[i].fnResizeRequired()) ttInstances[i].fnResizeButtons(); }

to resize buttons on each of the tabs still cant get it workk with ajax loaded tab having tabletools.

Please help me solving this issue