Tabs cookie "name" problem

Tabs cookie "name" problem

Hi folks,
I'm using UI 1.7.1 and I tried to make use of the new cookie "name"
option, but when I do the act of clicking on a tab makes the page
scroll down like it's going to a named anchor. When I back this
change out and go back to my old tab/cookie code the behavior returns
to normal (no scroll on switching tabs). This behavior is bizarre
enough that I assume the problem is with my code, but so far I haven't
been able to run it down, so thought I'd mention it in case anybody
else has run into the same thing.
P.S. In theory I'm psyched about the "name" option, as I have
different pages that make use of tabs that share the same controller
name, so I needed a way to distinguish the cookie name so the right
tabs would load on such pages. For now I guess I'll keep using my old
code, which was to code the cookie/tab logic by hand via $.cookie.

    • Topic Participants

    • jim