Tap with live event does'nt work anymore, and form problem

Tap with live event does'nt work anymore, and form problem

Hi guys,

I have a problem with labels and submitting form with JQuery Mobile.

I'm programming a login form. When i submit it, my DOM isn't reload (I don't know why...) !

So all my events works thank to live() event, except "tap" event >< When I refresh my page by cleaning the URL, all my events works fine, like bind("tap", function(e){ ...

So have you got any idea why my DOM isn't working after submitting a form, or how to debbug "tap" with live event :s ?

My examples:

#checkbox-label is a label of an input.

See my code, it works but not after submitting a form:
  1. $("#checkbox-label").bind('tap', function(e){
  2.       alert("fine !");
  3. });
It never works:
  1. $("#checkbox-label").live('tap', function(e){
  2.       alert("fine !");
  3. });
It never works (doesn't work on a label, don't know why...):
  1. $("#checkbox-label").live('click', function(e){
  2.       alert("fine !");
  3. });
It always works, even after a submitting:
  1. $("h2").live('click', function(e){
  2.       alert("fine !");
  3. });