TaskSpeed Against DOM

TaskSpeed Against DOM

I would like to bring here as well these results:
<a href="http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2009/04/taskspeed-dom-vs-libraries.html">http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2009/04/taskspeed-dom-vs-libraries.html</a>
Dojo team is already working about this and I think it makes sense to, at least, consider the fact every library is somehow penalizing Internet Explorer.
As I wrote in the Dojo ML, I am not sure this is the right direction to follow.
What I mean is that every team seems to compare few milliseconds for the "fastest library medal", and in already fast browsers, but apparently no one  is considering that the most used browser with the slowest JS engine (you got it, it's Internet Explorer) performs extremely bad with every common library, compared to native DOM implemented tasks.
Dojo already created a page to try to fix the gap: <a href="http://bill.dojotoolkit.org/taskspeed/">http://bill.dojotoolkit.org/taskspeed/</a>
I hope my test will help to improve IE overall performances with jQuery too but obviously it is up to you to decide what to do about it :)