Text to much to top

Text to much to top

When loading the page on a smartphone, the text in content is to much to the top (under the header i guess)

  1. <div data-role =" page " data-theme =" a " id =" home ">
    <div data-role =" header " data-position =" fixed " data-tap-toggle =" false " style =" background:#FFF; ">
    <img src =" h eader_demo.png" style =" width:100%; ">
    <div data-role =" navbar "> <ul> <li> <a href =""> Header Bar </a> </li>
    <li> <a href =""> Second Item </a> </li>
    </ul> </div>
    <div data-role =" content ">
    Text here, blablabla... This is not visable at first load.        </div>
It would be really nice if someone can help me with it.