The Official jQuery Podcast - Request for Audience Questions

The Official jQuery Podcast - Request for Audience Questions

We will be recording tomorrow night Thursday, February 18th and we would love it if we got some audience questions.  So please either ask here on the forum any question that you would like answered from the jQuery Team.  So far it'll be Rey Bango and I and possibly a few more of the Developer Relations (aka Evangelists).

In addition to submitting your question here you can call in your question to (804) 4jQuery, (804) 457-8379.  (it's a google voice number and it'll dump you right to voice mail).  Please remember to say who you are.  We'll play your question on the show if we use it.

Some topics you might want to ask:

  • Clarify a feature in 1.4
  • Ask us about future projects/conferences etc
  • jQuery UI
  • Plugin suggestions
  • How to get involved
  • anything you want!