The url of $.getJSON

The url of $.getJSON

I use mvc. Now when I login the page, I want to display an icon and a number. For example.

The url is
The image is similar with

So in the _LoginPartial.cshtml. I have
  1. <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
  2.         <li class="notifications">
  3.             <a href="#">
  4.                 <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe"></i>
  5.                 <span class="badge js-notifications-count hide"></span>
  6.             </a>
  7.         </li>
And in the _Layout.cshtml, I put the script
  1.  <script>
  2.         $(document).ready(function () {
  3.             $.getJSON("/Employee/GetNotifications", function (notifications) {
  4.                 if (notifications.length == 0)
  5.                     return;
  6.                 $(".js-notifications-count")
  7.                     .text(notifications.length)
  8.                     .removeClass("hide")
  9.                     .addClass("animated bounceInDown");
Notice I do have a controller "EmployyeeController.cs".
In the controller, I have the method
  1. [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)]
  2.         public JsonResult GetNotifications()
  3.         {
  4.             return Json(2, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
  5.         }
However the number is not showing. The css code
  1. /* Bootstrap Overrides*/
  2. .navbar-inverse .notifications {
  3.     position: relative;
  4. }

  5. .navbar-inverse .notifications .badge {
  6.         position: absolute;
  7.         top: 8px;
  8.         right: -1px;
  9.         background: #eb1313;
  10.     }

 Is the url of  $.getJSON wrong?