Themeroller 502 Bad Gateway

Themeroller 502 Bad Gateway


I need to create a theme using Themeroller but the site is completely not working. If you go to the main Themeroller page you get the following 502 error:
"NetworkError: 502 Bad Gateway -"
None of the other themes will display on the Themeroller page when you click them. Basically, Themeroller is unusable. The only other information I've seen was a discussion on the Github page about shortening the URL's with smaller variable names. Could it be that some new update has caused this issue?

I've never before considered that the Themeroller site makes you a hostage to fortune, without it it's so much harder to create a new theme, and I try not to fiddle around with the CSS Themeroller produces anyway, as it breaks compatability with the URL string that loads the theme in the Themeroller site.

Am I the only one with this issue? I've tried using two different Internet connections, one behind a corporate firewall and one behind no firewall. Same issue.