ThemeRoller security issues

ThemeRoller security issues

Hey folks,
I've been doing some thinking about working with ThemeRoller (most
likely a modified version of it to work locally) from within an
application that will use WebKit as a rendering engine (think Adobe
AIR, or similar). Basically, I'd like to be able to use the
ThemeRoller on arbitrary pages and be able to apply the user generated
theme to a page and be able to generate the appropriate code (and.or
files) for their selections. I know that the ThemeRoller bookmarklet
pops up an alert that says that due to security reasons, only Firefox
is supported. I've not been able to find anything that documents what
the security issues are. I'd like to find out what the specific
security issues are, and what, if any workarounds there may be for
working withing a closed/known system.
Any links or suggestions for places to look, or people to contact
about the ThemeRoller bookmarklet security issues?
Danilo Celic