three.js - conflicts between versions!

three.js - conflicts between versions!

hi all,

does anyone know how to resolve conflicts when going from one version three.js to a newer version?

i have a document that uses r37 and works perfectly but when i move up to r48 it just stops working and tells me:

ReferenceError: ImageUtils is not defined

which is this bit in main.js...

	var sprite1 = ImageUtils.loadTexture("img/particle.png");
	material = new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial({
		size : 30,
		map : sprite1,
		blending : THREE.AdditiveBlending,
		depthTest : false//,

do i need to just rewrite that first bit of the code? or is that wishful thinking?

anyone had this before? and know what to do? i read somewhere that certain calls stop working when updating three.js - and they need rewriting.

pretty new to three.js so can't get my hat on with it yet?

is this fixable - or a piece of string question?

or... is there any way of doing something similar to jquery.noConflict when using three.js?
