Ticket #4438

Ticket #4438

First of all, I would like to thank you guys for putting in so much time and effort on this amazing framework.
I just filled <a href="http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4438">Ticket #4438</a>, about a bug in the position of the helper in the selectable, when body has position: relative and an offset relative to the document (margin, padding, etc.) What I forgot to mention is that the same problem affects ui.dialog too, in the same conditions, and probably is present other places in the framework. When body has position: relative, the assumption that the origin point (0,0) of the body is the same of the document is not valid when body is offset by a margin or its parent offset it with padding.
I can make a test case if you want, but it is straightforward based on the example I attached on the ticket. In the same conditions, create a modal dialog and drag it. Also, notice that the overlay doesn't cover the whole document, only the body.
Sorry for my crummy english, it is not my first language.
Best regards, and I hope it helps a little.
Fernando Ferreira