jQueryUI 1.8 .toggle doesn't delegate off to jQuery core .toggle properly

jQueryUI 1.8 .toggle doesn't delegate off to jQuery core .toggle properly

Ran into this on a production app that was using 1.3, we upgraded to 1.4.2 and all the code worked except .toggle('normal'); which lost the previous functionality of showing/hiding the element with a transition and now doesn't do anything. Tested in the app and in isolation in a couple browser to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid :P

jsBin Samples

  1. Not working (jquery core + ui loaded): http://jsbin.com/izinu/8
  2. Working (jquery core only loaded): http://jsbin.com/izinu/4/

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create a page with a single element <a href="#" id="foo">toggle normal broken</a>
  2. Include jQuery 1.4.2 and jQueryUI 1.8
  3. Open firebug and execute $("#foo").toggle('normal');
  4. Nothing will happen to the link
.toggle(numericValue), .toggle(), .toggle('slow') and .toggle('fast') still work properly

Test Environment
  1. FF 3.6 on OS X (10.6.2)
  2. Chrome 5.0.342.7 on OS X (10.6.2)