Tooltip planning

Tooltip planning

We made some progress on the Tooltip planning:
Thanks to Craig Thompson for pushing this forward.
Some of the open issues:
- currently there is a sticky tooltip, which can be seen as a
glorified tooltip, or as a very lightweight dialog; I think we may
need to provide an alternative to our current dialog (or trim it down)
for that to work, but tooltip isn't the right place, the interaction
of a sticky tooltip is just screwed: a way-too-tiny close icon, no way
to discover that a click will actually open the tooltip-dialog instead
of opening a real dialog or another page; the events (click) or
completely different then for a default tooltip (mouseenter,
- Accessibility: nothing there yet
- configuring Position plugin: the of-option is somewhat inflexibe, as
the user can't configure the position option to use the mous event for
the of-option (it would be easier if of would accept a callback to get
the value at "runtime"); also Position doesn't provide any info about
its collision detection, so we don't know when the tip (or callout)
has to be positioned elsewhere to adjust to the collision detection
- methods: should the Tooltip provide open/close methods? Could these
be used to implement a sticky tooltip? Or would a sticky tooltip
plugin cancel the beforeclose event and use the close-method when
clicking the close-icon?