Trick the ui into thinking a link loaded successfully?

Trick the ui into thinking a link loaded successfully?

Hi all, 

 I am developing a custom web interface for a product which allows for events to fired through the urls. 

For example, If I navigate to the following url: 

It will activate trigger 2. I have been using jqTouch but after some time have become to frustrated with this framework.

When clicking on a link such as above I would get the loading overlay. I have since turned this off by editing the to this: 

  1. pageLoading: function ( done ) {
  2. if ( done ) {
  3. $html.removeClass( "ui-loading" );
  4. } else {
  5. $html.removeClass( "ui-loading" );
  6. }
  7. }
I know its a bit of a dirty hack but time is of the essence on this one. I am left however that the items I click on to activate the loading turn blue and remain that way. Is there a timeout function I can call to tell it to return to the originally state (unselected) after X number of seconds? 


Michael James.