Trying to follow jQuery UI development is quite painful

Trying to follow jQuery UI development is quite painful

I'm trying to follow the jQuery UI development process, but I'm
finding it quite painful. I have some simple bugs/issues with patches
that I have sent in, and at the same time I'm trying to keep in sync
(merging any conflicts based on my still local patches) with "what's
going on" by doing a `svn update' once in a while. Some problems or
* The bug/issue-tracker doesn't work; it has been broken for weeks:
* The source code is not cleaned with regards to whitespace. This
makes diffing and merging more painful than it has to be.
At the moment several (most?) of the widgets in -dev _ans_ -trunk are
broken since they refer to stuff in jquery.ui.widget.js and
jquery.ui.mouse.js (stuff extracted from jquery.ui.core.js IIUC) which
are not included in the build process (build.xml). This might be a
very recent and temporary thing of course, but still I wonder whether
people do even the most basic edit --> build --> test before
committing. Or perhaps people are not building before testing, but
instead have their own(?) <script> lines that include the right files
in the right order -- each person doing their own local testing. If
this is the case that seems rather unfortunate ...
How do people handle things without stepping on each other toes?