open a fancybox from another fancybox....without closing the first?

open a fancybox from another fancybox....without closing the first?

Im using fancybox to show some content, and it is working fine.

But I also have inside my fancybox content, some links to open others fancyboxs that will show pdf´s.

And it is working fine, but When I close my last fancybx opened, I also close my first fancybox opened.

So, I came here to ask you, if it is possible, open a fancybox from another, but when you close the last opened fancybox, I want to go back to the first fancybox and not want them to be both closed, wich is what Im getting now.

I have this html:

  1. <article class="loop-news">
  2.   <h2>Title</h2>
  3.   <span>Date of today</span>
  4.   <p>content of my article</p>
  5.   <a class="fancybox" href="#show">Read more</a>

//then I have my div that will appear inside fancybox when click on "read more"

  1.   <div class="fancybox-container">
  2.     <div id="show">
  3.       echo <h2>Title</h2>
  4.       <span>Date of today</span>
  5.       <p>content of my news</p>
  6. //here I have some pdfs inside fancybox, that will open other fancybox
  7.     <div  class="pdfs">
  8.       <li><a class="fancybox_pdf" href="pdf1.pdf">Title of pdf</a></li>
  9.       <li><a class="fancybox_pdf" href="pdf1.pdf">Title of pdf</a></li>
  10.    </div>
  11.   </div>
  12. </article>
This is my fancybox script:

  1. $(document).ready(function() {
  2.     $(".fancybox").fancybox({
  3.         maxWidth    : 800,
  4.         fitToView   : false,
  5.         width       : '80%',
  6.         height      : '80%',
  7.         autoSize    : false,
  8.         closeClick  : false,
  9.         openEffect  : 'elastic',
  10.         closeEffect : 'elastic',    
  11.     });
  12. })
This is my fancybox script to open pdf:

  1.     $(".fancybox_pdf").fancybox({
  2.         width: '80%',
  3.         height: '80%',
  4.     autoSize: false,
  5.         type: 'iframe',
  6.         iframe: {
  7.           preload: false
  8.         }
  9. });