Two footers one fixed one not

Two footers one fixed one not

    Two footers on one page?  HTML5 and CSS still boggles me at times so its why I here asking....  My question/problem is I really like JQM panel/header/content/footer and how its set up.  The problem I have is I want a Fixed Tool bar that I can leave on the display at times and I still want my regular footer.  From what I understand and my testing I have to give up either the header or footer to the 'fixed' tool bar but I can't have both.

    I've tried putting my footer at the bottom of the content section, that didn't work as the content section is padded with 15px (which I like) So it my bottom logo is indented 15px it just doesn't look right. 

    What I have done is shown below, right now in my testing on 2 different browsers it seems to give me what I want,  My reading of the document leads me to believe that I should only have ## panels, 1 header, 1 content and 1 footer.   Is there a way to have a fixed toolbar that is not a header or footer? Kind of what you can do with panels?

    1. ...
    2. <div data-role="page">
    3.       <div data-role="header">
    4.             <h3>header</h3>
    5.       </div>
    6.       <div data-role="content">
    7.             My page content
    8.       </div>
    9.       <div data-role="footer">
    10.             Copyright 2013 blah blah blah
    11.       </div>
    12.       <div data-role="footer">
    13.             My bottom logo here!
    14.       </div>
    15.       <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" id="foot_stat">
    16.             3 - New Messages
    17.       </div>
    18. </div>
    19. ...