Two ideas: Close on Escape and something between Close and Destroy

Two ideas: Close on Escape and something between Close and Destroy

Hi All.

First of all - thanks for the UI. It helps a lot....

...and now: some ideas from usage site as application programmer.

...during programming a more complex web site (with some modal dialogs overlayed - version 1.11) insighte the website the handling with close, destroy, close on escape, cancel and relaod seems not quite optimal for me. With some tricks, I have no need for an close on escape event but it would be nice not just switch close on escape on or off. It would help, if it was possible to tell the the close on escape option that it works like the cancel button.

A second point is that a close didn*t reset the content of dialog and destroy has the need to relaod the hole page. With many and sometimes large DB requests and with a lot doings in the site (JS and dynamic fields) the application running in fact quite slow. From this point of view it would helpfull, if it was possible to reset the page to the real orignal state with the empty form tag and make it not necessary to relaod it again and again.

Until now I don't know if you ever discussed such ideas/options/methods. After a short search, I found nothing. Maybe my two ideas found your feedback and open minds.

Thanks for your attention and I hope for a relaed discussion.