Two questions about jQuery's inside

Two questions about jQuery's inside

Hello everybody,
I'm pretty confident with using jQuery but now I'd like to improve my
understanding of the librarie's code itself.
I sometime see an alternative way of writing portions of code but I'm
pretty sure there is a good reason that it is the way it is... I would
just like to understand.
1. The function hasClass is written this way:
hasClass: function( selector ) {
    return !!selector && "." + selector );
Why not simply testing the className against the selector:
return !!selector && (" " + this.className + " ").indexOf(" " +
selector + " ") != -1;
2. In sizzle, many regular expressions for the selectors include:
Why is "_" added to the pattern? Isn't it already included in "\w"?
And what is "|\\." for?
Thank you for your attention, I'm pretty sure I will have more of
these questions in the future.