TypeError: scroll is not a function

TypeError: scroll is not a function

Hello, I am trying to implement a support widget (Freshdesk) on my site: http://www.reservesinsight.com. It doesn’t work with my Wordpress theme and it seems to be connected with the way one-page scrolling has been implemented. Note: I get it to work in other themes when I switch to for example Twenty Fifteen etc.

In the browser Development Console I can see the following error when I click on the Freshdesk widget (the grey Support tab to the left of my website): TypeError: scroll is not a function

This is the javascript that seems to conflict with my theme:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.freshdesk.com/widget/freshwidget.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
FreshWidget.init(“”, {“queryString”: “&widgetType=popup&captcha=no”, “utf8”: “✓”, “widgetType”: “popup”, “buttonType”: “text”, “buttonText”: “Support”, “buttonColor”: “black”, “buttonBg”: “#a2a2a1”, “alignment”: “4”, “offset”: “335px”, “formHeight”: “500px”, “captcha”: “no”, “url”: “https://reservesinsight.freshdesk.com”} );

Hope you can help! Neither my theme provider Themetrust or Freshdesk seems to be able to resolve this (or they dont support each others code...).
