UI 1.8RC1: Datepicker yearRange & changeYear bug

UI 1.8RC1: Datepicker yearRange & changeYear bug

Hey folks.
according to this bugreport: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4870 i got another small issue with the new jqui version:

old code (UI 1.7)
  1. $("#datepicker").datepicker({
  2.             changeYear: true,
  3.             yearRange: '-10:0'
  4.         });
This is not longer working. I tested a bit, and got the issue:
  1. $("#datepicker").datepicker({
  2.             changeYear: true,
  3.             yearRange: '-10:+0'
  4.         });
i'm not the best at maths, but +0 doesn't make sense for me ;) should be simply 0 :) If you add 0, only the actual year is shown. if you add +0, the last 10 years are shown, too.