ui.buttons need your opinions!

ui.buttons need your opinions!

Hi all,
First I want to apologize if i was not so reactive last times. That's
said i really want to see buttons go in the right directions and i
need to discuss some points before going further on that plugin.
Some decisions need to be made and as this is a collaborative project
i'd really appreciate your feedback on thoose points.
So here they are.
- Support for sliding doors
My opinion on that is only not to support them directly in the
plugin let the job be done by the css framework.
- Tag eligible to be enhanced to ui.buttons
for now it can be any block level element and in fact any elements
that can contains spans. Some comments are in favour to only supports
A, Button, Input elements (input are not supported at this time)
My opinion on that is that it work right now for elements such as
span or divs and seems fine to me. If users only want A or Button they
aren't forced to used other tags. So i would leave it as is.
- Regarding support of input tag
This is i think a must have. But i'm forced to say that i don't
really think how to cleanly do it right now. I'm open to any idea,
help on that.
The direction i'm thinking about is only leave this out for now (to
concentrate on doing the rest working) and when the rest will be done
then trying to replace the input by a A tag enhanced to ui-button. Is
there a nice way to inherit all binded events from the original input.
If you know one please tell me, it will be of great help.
- Support for menu buttons
My opinion on that point is that we got a really nice selectmenu
(http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Selectmenu) plugin that does pretty the same
thing and looks reaaly great. I'm really affraid that making something
too similar with button plugin will just confused users and is
redundant. Finally i think that button and menu are not the same
things. Perhaps another plugin on top of buttons if really needed.
- Support for split buttons
I think pretty the same about this as for menu buttons. The
difference here is that you can't achieve something similar with any
plugin i know of at this time.
Perhaps it would be better to implement that in selectmenu or as an
other plugin built on top of buttons. At the end i think that both of
them are not a top priority at the moment making input supported seems
more important to me at the moment.
- Abborting action on escape key.
This seems really tricky to me. First of all it's right that some
brothers permit such things on certain elements and events. But i'm
not sure i'm capable of doing so working correctly with all browsers.
Secondly it seems not really important to me as this is also really
tricky for the user to click on a button and then while clicking
pushing the escape key to cancel the action. Finally if you really
thinks that this is a must have, i'll be forced to say i need help on
that one.
That's what come to my head right now certainly other points need to
be discussed.
Thanks for reading this to the end and please give me some feedback to
make things go in the right direction.
Best regards to all and keep up the good work :)
-- Malko
-- le savoir ne vaut que s'il est partagé par tous --