UI - Dialog - Close button out of place

UI - Dialog - Close button out of place

The close button on my site has the X moved out of place. Do you guys think this may be an interference with the CMSs' stylesheets or something? After copying the code to a blank site the problem disappeared. So the question seems to be: how to move that thing back to it's place? I'm looking through the css styles atm but nothing manages to move it even a bit eh...

I know the paragraphs aren't needed but the WYSIWIG editor on the site inserts them automaticially, also they don't break anything in the clean document.
  1. <a href="#" id="otwarcie">Otwieraj!</a></p>
  2. <div class="ramka" id="okno1" title="Tytul">
  3. Jestem okienkiem.<br />
  4. <img height="300" src="http://i.imgur.com/xKE07.jpg" width="400" /></div>
  5. <p>
  6. <script>
  7. $( ".ramka" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, 
  8. width: "800", 
  9. height: "600", 
  10. closeText: "zamknij",
  11. hide: 'fade',
  12. show: 'fade' });
  13. //$( ".ramka" ).dialog( "option", "width", 800 );
  14. //$( ".ramka" ).dialog( "option", "height", 600 );
  15. //$( ".ramka" ).dialog( "option", "closeText", "zamknij" );

  16. $( "#otwarcie" ).click(function() {
  17. $( "#okno1" ).dialog( "open" );
  18. });
  19. </script>