ui-focus issue on popups with fiddle example

ui-focus issue on popups with fiddle example

Hey all,

If I create a popup that is long enough to require scrolling, and have a checkbox or radio buttons towards the bottom of the page (low enough that it requires scrolling down to get to), then selecting the checkbox/radio button forces the dialog box to scroll to the top, but doesn't select the checkbox/radio button. 

It also sets focus on the first element on the page (which I think is what is causing it to scroll back to the top). In fact, even if the checkbox/radio button is near the top of the page, selecting it still switches the colored background (and tab focus) back to the top.

I don't understand why the focus change, or why the checkbox/radio button remain un-selected if the page resets to the top.

Switching to jquery mobile 1.4.4 fixes it, as does commenting out line 10558 in jquery mobile 1.4.5 (ui.focusElement.focus();). What is going on in my code, and how could I fix it without editing jquery mobile?

Example:  Fiddle Example 

Once you activate the popup, you have to scroll down far enough so that the first radio button is off the screen. Then you can't select any of the remaining visible radio buttons.
