ui rc1: Autocomplete: JS Error, Menu sjowing top left corner

ui rc1: Autocomplete: JS Error, Menu sjowing top left corner

Hi guys,
love the new version, but got a small issue. No idea if its my fault, got following js error:

  1. Error: ul.addClass("ui-autocomplete-menu").appendTo(parent).menu({focus: function (event, ui) {var item = ui.item.data("item.autocomplete");if (false !== self._trigger("focus", null, {item: item})) {self.element.val(item.value);}}, selected: function (event, ui) {var item = ui.item.data("item.autocomplete");if (false !== self._trigger("select", event, {item: item})) {self.element.val(item.value);}self.close(event);self.previous = self.element.val();if (self.element[0] != document.activeElement) {self.element.focus();}}}).zIndex(this.element.zIndex() + 1).css({top: 0, left: 0}).position({my: "left top", at: "left bottom", of: this.element}).data is not a function
  2. File: http://localhost/~webmaster/jquery/jquery_ui.js
  3. Line: 5230
Any idea whats wrong? Another small issue: on selection the menu is not really closed. still available on top.. ;)

Made small screenshot, attached it.

kind regards