using 1.12.1
I have noticed that ui-resizable-se is different from the others set on the jquery ui...
.ui-resizable-se {
cursor: se-resize;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
right: 1px;
bottom: 1px;
.ui-resizable-sw {
cursor: sw-resize;
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
left: -5px;
bottom: -5px;
.ui-resizable-nw {
cursor: nw-resize;
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
left: -5px;
top: -5px;
.ui-resizable-ne {
cursor: ne-resize;
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
right: -5px;
top: -5px;
any idea if this is a know issue ?