UI slider isn't visible after page loads into container

UI slider isn't visible after page loads into container

 - The body of index.php consists of a navigation bar with links and a separate container with the  id="pageContent" .

 - In my JavaScript, when the page loads it loads another page (HomePage.php) into  #pageContent  ( $(#pageContent).load('HomePage.php'); ).

 - As for the navigation bar; it takes the name of the clicked link as a variable, adds .php to the end of it and loads that into  #pageContent :
  1. $('#navContent a').on('click', function() {

  2.       var page = $(this).attr('href'); // Get link name
  3.       $('#pageContent').load(page + '.php'); // Load clicked page
  4.       return false;
  5. });
 - One of the site's pages ( var page ) has a range slider on it. My problem is the slider doesn't show when that page loads [into  #pageContent ] but it works fine when I copy and paste the HTML into index.php (manually).

When I run the page [with the slider] separately the slider shows but when I run it with the rest of my site [into #pageContent] it doesn't. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or why my slider isn't visible on .load()?

I want to reduce the code but I don't know to .load() an external page using CodePen