UI Widgets developed within my master thesis

UI Widgets developed within my master thesis

I developed some widgets (with help of the jQuery widget factory and
the jQuery UI CSS Framework) within my master thesis at the University
of Applied Science Gießen-Friedberg, Germany and Martin Kliehm
suggested to post it in here and the wiki.
I dont like to spam your wiki, so i decided to ask how to contribute
the best way. Perhaps you could use some of my work or just give me
some feedback.
My goal was to provide some accessible, usable and easy to implement
widgets to improve quality and working speed in frontend developers’
daily routine. So I picked some of the most seen design patterns on
the web: currently a lightbox app, live form-validation, accessible
tabs and sortable tables are ready to use.
The code and the thesis are both licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence.
Please check out the wiki at GitHub to learn about the features and
how to use. Im still improving and fixing bugs, so it would be great
to get some feedback in code quality and accessibility.
Thanks in advance and thanks for jQuery ;-)
Felix Nagel