Unslider Plugin is switching the images randomly and not sequentially

Unslider Plugin is switching the images randomly and not sequentially

Im using unslider for a slidershow with many images.

I followed the documentation here: unslider

This plugin shows the dots with  number of images we have, and looking for this dots, I saw the images alternating randonmly, and the speed is also randomly. 

Somebody there already used this plugin and had the same problem?

Below, there is my jQuery to start unslider plugin:

  1.  $(function() {
  2.     $('.banner').unslider({
  3.         speed: 3000,
  4.         delay: 5000,
  5.         fluid: true,
  6.         dots: true,
  7.         pause: true
  8.     });
  9. });
And here is my html:

  1. <section id="banner-container">
  2.     <div class="banner">
  3.         <ul>
  4.             <li><img  src="images/image1.png"/></a>
  5.             <li><img  src="images/image2.png"/></li>
  6.             <li><img  src="images/image3.png"/></li>
  7.             <li><img  src="images/image4.png"/></li>
  8.             <li><img  src="images/image5.png"/></li><li>
  9.         </ul>  
  10.     </div>   
  11. </section>