Unwanted Auto Scroll Issue

Unwanted Auto Scroll Issue

I have a mobile page created using 1.3 and I've had an intermittent problem with scrolling long lists of divs.  When scrolling down a list I have received a complaint that the list will 'auto-scroll' back to the top of the page.  This does not happen all the time but when it does it is quite annoying. I've tried scrolling from different locations on the screens, at different speeds, to pinpoint the issue but I can't seem to find it.  The site is:

http://www.geny.fm ( if using a mobile device, if not http://www.geny.fm/mobile)

username: guest
password: guest

To get to the issue, go to the menu and select 'Music Search'.  From that screen select A-Z in the upper right hand corner and select 'A' ( this has the longest list).  Scroll down on this list to recreate the problem.  If it doesn't, well, then i look like an ass.

This is my first post so I apologize in advance for leaving anything out or displaying any greenness.  Many thanks in advance.