Update a form input value after ajax call

Update a form input value after ajax call

I have an input field on a for that has an initial value set as follows

<input id="ZTotalDate" name="ZTotalDate" type="date" class="form-control" value="2014-09-22">

I want to change this value after a ajax call on the change of another field e.g.

$('#BU').change(function(){ $('# ZTotalDate ').load('Fetchmaxdate.asp?buid=' + $('#BU').val()); });
but this fails to change anything. I tried
$.get('Fetchmaxdate.asp?buid=' + $('#BU').val(), function(data){ $('#ZTotalDate').val(data); });
but for some reason, this doesn't pass the #BU value to the call.

What am I doing wrong?
