Update a Joomla Componet that relies on jQuery

Update a Joomla Componet that relies on jQuery

I am in a wee bit of a bind, I am not new to Joomla but I am new to adding a custom jQuery plug in call Responsive Tabs...found on the jQuery site (  http://plugins.jquery.com/Responsive-Tabs/ )

The Joomla component is called Calcbuilder by Moonsoft. (  https://www.moonsoft.es/en/calcbuilder-en  ) it is built around jQuery. The Moonssoft support has not been very forth coming on how work with it even though I have paid subscription and the documentation is poorly written with no step by step instructions.

The site I am working on has a service calculator and the table layout is not pretty...what I need is to add the Responsive Tab to teh calculator already started.

site: britepencil.com/UC go to the form menu button

Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated.