updating nested listviews for navigation

updating nested listviews for navigation

My website uses an unordered list in a php file for navigation.
I use Mobile_Detect.php to determine if its on a mobile device. 
If so, we load JQM 1.3.2 an use nested Listviews on it. Otherwise we stick with CSS for desktop.

I'd like to stay current with JQM and upgrade.
I could not get the Listview Plugin to work.

I have experimented with a combination of listviews within collapsible sets and it appears to work with JQM 1.4.5.
problem: I'll have to maintain two menus; the original ul for desktop, and a the new combination code for mobile.
use php on the server to create the appropriate page (listviews in sets for JQM or simple ul for desktop) from some source. (I think that would be faster than client side jquery code to dynamically recode)

What would be the best single source file to use? unordered list? jason? database? something else? And how best to manipulate it?