Upgrading plugins site?

Upgrading plugins site?

Hey folks,
I've been using plugins.jquery.com a lot recently for work I have been
doing, and it still has a few annoying bugs and workflow issues.
I don't know the state of anyone working on it at the moment, and
haven't seen anything mentioned in the group, so I'd like to offer my
services for the next few weeks to work on upgrading the site, through
a few stages.
I have a list of ideas to kick off, which I'd like to detail below:
The first step would be to upgrade to the latest release of the 5.x
branch. I'm not sure what version it's running at the moment, but I
can also see it's only using jQuery 1.1.2, rather than the latest
A few other fixes would be to update the node view for releases to
they link back to the plugin, and to lay it out a little nicer.
For example, I'd like to also change the plugin project view to be a
tabbed interface using jQueryUI and taking some cues from github,
seperating different parts of the view into these tabs.
Other visual treatments would be to add some visualisation to the
statistics page using something like jQuery flot. It would be nice to
try showcase some of these plugins throughout the site.
I'd also like to try add a new front page that shows statistical based
information like top 5 plugins, newest plugins, latest comments, etc.
I've been doing a lot of D5 development recently, such as developing
an IVR system with VoiceXML, so I'm pretty familiar with some of the
inner workings of forms, views and the database API.
I'm ready to jump into it, so whoever is managing the site can get in
touch with me off-list.