use on click do not work after ajax call

use on click do not work after ajax call


I've using jquery 1.8.2 and here is the following code I have:

  1.  $(document).ready(function () {
  2. var user = 1;
     $("").on("click", function () {
                var article = $(this).attr('data-article');
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "WebService.asmx/Like",
                    data: "{ 'user': '" + user + "', 'article': '" + article + "' }",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function (msg) {
                        if(msg.d ==  1)
                            $(".like[data-article='" + article + "']").fadeOut(700).addClass('unlike').removeClass('like').stop().text('Unlike').fadeIn(700);
                    failure: function (msg) {

  3. $("a.unlike").on("click", function () {
                var article = $(this).attr('data-article');
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "WebService.asmx/Unlike",
                    data: "{ 'user': '" + user + "', 'article': '" + article + "' }",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function (msg) {
                        if(msg.d ==  1)
                            $(".unlike[data-article='" + article + "']").fadeOut(700).addClass('like').removeClass('unlike').stop().text('Like').fadeIn(700);
                    failure: function (msg) {

When I click on a link with class like it's working fine, the same when I click on a link with class unlike. However it doesn't working when I click the same link twice! When I'm searching on the internet, I see that I have to use live instead of click, however live was deprecated on 1.8 version. How can I make this fires multiple times?

Thank you