Use Tellurium to test jQuery UI widgets

Use Tellurium to test jQuery UI widgets

Tellurium automated testing framework, or Tellurium in short, provides support to describe a UI widget or a set of nested UI objects as a Tellurium widget. Tellurium widgets have the advantage that we can use the widget directly in our test code just like a regular tellurium UI object and we do not need to deal with individual UIs in the widget at the link or button level any more. What we need to do is to call the methods defined in the Tellurium widget. Another advantage is that once the widget is defined, we can use it anywhere we want by simply including the compiled jar file. We take jQuery UI widgets, more specifically, the Date Picker widget as an example to demonstrate how to define jQuery UI Tellurium widgets and how to use them directly in your test code.

Tellurium Date Picker Widget

The jQuery UI Date Picker widget can be presented as a Tellurium Widget as follows.

  1. class DatePicker extends JQueryUiWidget {
    void defineWidget() {


    .Container(uid: "DatePicker", clocator: [tag: "div", class: "ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content"]) {
    Container(uid: "Header", clocator: [tag: "div", class: "ui-datepicker-header"]) {
    UrlLink(uid: "Prev", clocator: [class: "ui-datepicker-prev"])
    UrlLink(uid: "Next", clocator: [class: "ui-datepicker-next"])
    Container(uid: "Title", clocator: [tag: "div", class: "ui-datepicker-title"]) {
    TextBox(uid: "Month", clocator: [tag: "span", class: "ui-datepicker-month"])
    TextBox(uid: "Year", clocator: [tag: "span", class: "ui-datepicker-year"])
    StandardTable(uid: "Calendar", clocator: [class: "ui-datepicker-calendar"]) {
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 1} as Sunday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Su"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 2} as Monday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Mo"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 3} as Tuesday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Tu"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 4} as Wednesday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "We"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 5} as Thursday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Th"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 6} as Friday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Fr"])
    TextBox(uid: "{header: 7} as Sunday", clocator: [tag: "span", text: "Sa"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D1", clocator: [text: "1"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D2", clocator: [text: "2"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D3", clocator: [text: "3"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D4", clocator: [text: "4"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D5", clocator: [text: "5"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D6", clocator: [text: "6"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D7", clocator: [text: "7"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D8", clocator: [text: "8"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D9", clocator: [text: "9"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D10", clocator: [text: "10"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D11", clocator: [text: "11"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D12", clocator: [text: "12"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D13", clocator: [text: "13"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D14", clocator: [text: "14"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D15", clocator: [text: "15"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D16", clocator: [text: "16"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D17", clocator: [text: "17"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D18", clocator: [text: "18"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D19", clocator: [text: "19"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D20", clocator: [text: "20"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D21", clocator: [text: "21"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D22", clocator: [text: "22"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D23", clocator: [text: "23"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D24", clocator: [text: "24"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D25", clocator: [text: "25"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D26", clocator: [text: "26"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D27", clocator: [text: "27"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D28", clocator: [text: "28"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D29", clocator: [text: "29"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D30", clocator: [text: "30"])
    UrlLink(uid: "{row: any, column: any} as D31", clocator: [text: "31"])
    TextBox(uid: "{row: all, column: all}",
    : [class: "ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled"], self: "true")

The Date Picker header is a Container with two URL Links for the "prev" and "next" button and Month and Year are TextBoxes.

The dynamic data Grid of the days of the current month is represented by the Tellurium StandardTable object, which includes headers from Sunday to Monday and days. Due to the dynamic nature of the days, we use Tellurium UID Description Language (UDL) to define each day with row and column to be "any" positions. Also, we use ID such as D1 to reference the day.

With the above UI module, we define the following methods for the Date Picker widget.

  1.   public String getYear(){


    public String getMonth(){


    public void prev(){


    public void next(){


    public void selectDay(int day){
    String uid = "DatePicker.Calendar.D" + day;


    public void selectFriday(int week){
    String uid = "DatePicker.Calendar[" + week + "][Friday]";


    public String getMonthYear(){
    String month = getText("DatePicker.Header.Title.Month");
    String year = getText("DatePicker.Header.Title.Year");


    return "${month} ${year}";

Use Tellurium jQuery UI Widgets

We can compile the Tellurium jQuery UI Widgets project as a jar file and then use it in our Tellurium testing project.

Load Tellurium jQuery UI Widgets

To load Tellurium jQuery UI Widgets, we need to specify the UI widget name in Tellurium configuration file, TelluriumConfig.groovy.

  1.     widget{
    //define your widget modules here, for example Dojo or ExtJs

jQuery UI Date Picker Example

To test the widget, we need a jQuery UI Date Picker example. We download jQuery UI 1.8 and unzip it to the WebContext directory. Then, we can use the Date Picker demos from jQuery UI 1.8.

Create Tellurium Date Picker Widget Test Case

We use the default.html from Date Picker demos as our example. The UI module is defined as follows.

  1. class DatePickerDefaultModule extends DslContext {
    public void defineUi() {
    .InputBox(uid: "DatePickerInput", clocator: [id: "datepicker"])
    .jQuery_DatePicker(uid: "Default", clocator: [tag: "body"])

where "jQuery" is the namespace for Tellurium jQuery UI widgets and we use DatePicker as a regular Tellurium UI object. In the meanwhile, we can use the onWidget commands to call methods in the Tellurium Date Picker widgets.

  1.   public void prevMonth(){
    "Default", click, "DatePicker.Header.Prev"


    public void nextMonth(){
    "Default", click, "DatePicker.Header.Next"


    public void selectDay(int day){
    "Default", selectDay, day


    public void selectFriday(int week){
    "Default", selectFriday, week


    public String getMonthYear(){
    "Default", getMonthYear

    public void toggleInput(){


    public String getSelectedDate(){

The test case is defined as follows.

  1. public class DatePickerTestCase extends TelluriumJUnitTestCase {
    private static JettyFileServer server;


    public static void setUp(){
    = new JettyFileServer(8088, "WebContent");


    public void testDefaultDatePicker(){
    DatePickerDefaultModule datePicker = new DatePickerDefaultModule();
    String date = datePicker.getSelectedDate();
    System.out.println("Selected Date: " + date);


    = datePicker.getSelectedDate();
    System.out.println("Selected Date: " + date);
    = datePicker.getMonthYear();
    System.out.println("Selected Month and Year: " + date);


    public static void tearDown(){
    if(server != null)
