Using DataType: "jsonp xml"

Using DataType: "jsonp xml"

Hello, i have a problem with my project, it always return: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
and here my code, please check. thank you so much.

  1.    function test(){
  2.        $.ajax({
  3.    type: 'GET',
  4.    dataType: "jsonp",
  5.    processData: true,
  6.    crossDomain: true,
  7.    jsonp: true,  
  8.    url: "",
  9.    //converters: {"xml": jQuery.parseXML},
  10.    username: 'admin',
  11.    password: 'admin',
  12.    success: function (responseData, textStatus, jqXHR) {
  13.        console.log('in');
  14.    },
  15.    error: function (responseData, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  16.        alert('POST failed.');
  17.    }
  18. });