Using DOM as an offline cache

Using DOM as an offline cache

Is it possible to use the DOM as a cache during periods of network outage? 
I tested this on the splash page (pageshow event) to load about 20 pages in a loop using:

  1.   $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("load", url, { showLoadMsg: true }); 
After this, I can step through all pages in the same order as I loaded them using:
  1.      $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", redirect.url, {
  2.                     transition: "slide", loadMsgDelay: 75 });
This is a questionnaire site, so stepping forward makes perfect sense.
I cache the AJAX interaction in localStorage which means the site stays fully functional. The user just has the either stay on or log back in when the network is back up again.

The user can also move back to a lower numbered page using
  1. $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", redirect.url, {
  2.                         transition: "none",  loadMsgDelay: 75});

But not using:
  1.  $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", redirect.url, {
  2.                     transition: "slide", reverse: true, loadMsgDelay: 75});

This gives a page load error. Does reverse:true mean something else then the left or right direction of the slide effect?

There is also the issue of the network speed. When I trottle to GPRS the pages do not build up completely, they get a bit distorted.

Any ideas about this test? Is this wildly off page, or should I be able to get this to work?
The pages are about 4k each (no photographs).

Thanks for your suggestions.
