Using jquery with another JS lib: How to target element added via other JS lib?

Using jquery with another JS lib: How to target element added via other JS lib?


Long story short, I am using GreaseMonkey to load jQuery 1.3.2 (there is a bug with the latest version of jquery and GM) and jQuery UI 1.8.0.

I am using jQuery via GM to manipulate the GUI of a content management system. This CMS uses its own JS library to dynamically add stuff to the dom.


How can I target a dom element that was added to the dom via this other JS lib?

In other words, the CMS will add a div to the dom, and I am not sure how to tell jquery to wait for these elements to "be there" before applying the jquery goodness. :D

Specifically, I would like to do this:

  1. $(function() {
  2.     $('#zen1227').resizable();
  3. });

But "#zen1227" does not "appear" until later via this other JS library.

I hope all that makes sense. I would love some tips. :)
