Using Symfony with jQuery Mobile, how can I suppress Hash Navigation for Symfony-redirections?

Using Symfony with jQuery Mobile, how can I suppress Hash Navigation for Symfony-redirections?


I am using the Symfony PHP framework with jQuery Mobile.
To supress hash navigation in links, I can use rel="external". But how to achieve this with form submission?

My Problem in detail:
I have a login-form coming from (module/action:) user/login, which raises the view loginSuccess.php
(all views in Symfony have the trailing ...Success.php so don't bother)
When user completes the form, it is submitted to user/loginCommit where it is evaluated.
If evaluation is fine, I redirect to album/index.

The displayed URL of the login-form is: http://servername/user/login
The URL which I want to see after successful login is: http://servername/album/index

Instead, what I get is: http://servername/user/login#user/loginCommit
and the generated view contains the original login-form plus the elements of the album/index page; visible to the user are only the latter - so I might be happy - the only problem is that not all elements of the album/index page are proberly displayed - some keep invisible, namely my header and footer div's with all the links.

Instead, if I click a link with rel="external" to surf to album/index, the URL is what I want (without hash), and the view is well displayed. Therefore: how can I apply an equivalent of "rel='external'" to the form submission and dispatch-procedures of Symfony?

I spent a lot of time on that issue, without avail, hence I would really appreciate any help - Thanks!