v1.4.5 google map not refresh

v1.4.5 google map not refresh

The issue:

When you click on 'Open Demo' of this official Jquery mobile 1.4.5 page:

You get a google map. Then when you scroll down to the bottom of the
map, leave the scroller's position at the bottom, then hit the browser's 
back button to return to the demo page.
Once at the demo page, you click on 'Open Demo' once again.
Once again, you get the same google map and the same scroller's
position: at the bottom.
I found this issue first occurs in jqm 1.4.0. The map refreshes and the
title and scroll bar appear at the top, as should be, for all versions
before jqm 1.4.0
This is okay if you have just a map to show.
It's a nuisance when you have information to show below the map,
then scroll down for the information then having to scroll back up to 
the top before hitting the back button to get ready to see the next 
map. If you want your next map to present itself starting at the top.

Has anyone here have a fix for this ? 
My thanks in advance for your help.