Validate Plugin - Checkboxes won't validate after update to v1.13.1

Validate Plugin - Checkboxes won't validate after update to v1.13.1

Hi Folks,

I am validating a group of checkboxes - and it works in jquery.validate.js v1.13.0 - but when I updated to v1.13.1, the checkboxes no longer validate. Any help would be appreciated

Here is my js ...

  1.     $('#reg').validate({
  2.         rules: {
  3.             'titlechoices[]': {required: true, minlength: 1},
  4.         },
  5.         messages: { 'titlechoices[]': { minlength: 'Please select at least {0} options' } },
  6.        errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
  7.            if(element.attr("name") == "titlechoices[]"){
  8.       error.appendTo('.TitleError');
  9.                } else {
  10.                error.insertAfter(element);
  11.               }
  12.       }
  13.     });

And the relevant html...

  1. <fieldset>
  2. <input name="titlechoices[]" type="checkbox"  class="check_txtbx"  value="BA">&nbsp;BA
  3. <input name="titlechoices[]"  type="checkbox"  class="check_txtbx" value="BS">&nbsp;BS
  4. <input name="titlechoices[]"  type="checkbox"  class="check_txtbx"  value="CNM">&nbsp;CNM
  5. <input name="titlechoices[]"  type="checkbox"  class="check_txtbx"  value="CRNA">&nbsp;CRNA
  6. </fieldset>

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    • jack