Very Slow Loading Times for Jquery

Very Slow Loading Times for Jquery


I am using the following Wordpress Function with Jquery...

  1. <span class="aslowaspriceshoppage" id="ala'. $product->id .'"></span><script>jQuery( "#ala'. $product->id .'" ).load("'. $product->get_Permalink() .' .nfs_table tr:last td:nth-child(2)");</script>
Basically... from the archives page it takes a particular WooCommerce Product and based on the Product Id it goes in and grabs a discount html div with table from the product and presents it in the archive.

If you take a look at the archive page you will see that the tables load sequentially very slowly one after the other. Is there a way that I can improve the speed of the load time for these pages.

Much Appreciated.

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