WAI-ARIA support for jQuery UI 2.0?

WAI-ARIA support for jQuery UI 2.0?

My name is Anthony Rayner and I work for Oracle on a web development
team for a product called Application Express. I have a question
regarding jQuery UI and accessibility.
I read on the Paciello Group Blog (http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?
p=313) that jQuery UI plans to have full WAI-ARIA support in version
2.0. Is this still the plan and do you have any timescales on when
this may be available?
I know that there is partical support currently and that there are
other projects that have done considerable work towards this currently
which is great, but it would be awesome for us and our customers to
have full support for all the jQuery UI widgets out of the box.
Look forward to your response.